Saturday 22 November 2014




peanuts (moongfali)-250 grams

jaggery or sugar - 250 grams

ghee- 1 1/2 small spoon


It would be good if you get a roasted peanuts from the market .

If it is not available then you can roast peanuts at your home .

Mix one small spoon of water  and wait for 2-3 minutes.

Roast the peanuts using microwave for around 4-5 minutes.

If it is not roasted well roast it again for 2 minutes .

Remove it from the microwave and wait it to cool to the room temperature .

Once it is cooled remove the skin of the nut

Put small spoon of ghee in the frying pan and heat it.

Then break the jaggery and put it in the frying pan and keep stirring with a frying spoon (on medium

 The jaggery starts melting. Do not stop stirring.

After 6-7 minutes take out one drop of syrup on a plate, if it starts freezing, then the syrup is ready. If it doesn't freeze then cook for another 2-3 minutes and test. The syrup is ready now.

Mix the peanuts in the syrup and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring vigorously.

 Put the ghee on a plate to make it oily.

 Now take out the ready syrup or chikki (brittle) from the frying pan and quickly spread it on the oily   plate.

Cut it into your preferred size with a knife. After they have cooled separate the pieces.

 Peanut chikki (brittle) is ready now . Store it in a tight container so that you can have the chikki  (brittle) whenever you feel like having .

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