Friday 21 November 2014




1 kg Carrots
1 litre Milk
1 teaspoon Cardamom seeds
3/4 cup Water
3 tablespoons Ghee
2 tablespoons Raisins
2 tablespoons Almonds
2 tablespoons Pistachios
450 grams Sugar

  • Wash and grate the carrots. Soak the raisins in water for 30 minutes. Blanch and shred the nuts.
  • Put the water to boil, when it starts boiling add the grated carrots. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
  • Add the milk. Cook on a low flame for 1 hour stirring occasionally. Add sugar, mix well and cook till the sugar has dissolved and all the milk has been absorbed.
  • Add ghee and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add the slightly crushed cardamoms and the raisins. Mix well.
  • Remove the carrot pudding (gajjar halwa) from heat and arrange in a serving dish. Garnish with almonds and pistachios. Serve cold, hot or at room temperature.

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